Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the Anime Canvas annoyances of their series

I'm not going to review every single series this season (Train Heroes and Line Town were so bad that I couldn't even finish them), but I might as well talk briefly about Danbooru Senki's sequel. To be honest, I expected it to be total crap, but it did have flashes of potential, in its huge rendition of the real world that is meant to simulate wars. Somewhere beneath that some depth is hidden. The question however, is whether it will actually use this. This remains a Level 5 series, and the Anime Canvas annoyances of their series also shine through here: the male lead is incredibly generic, it keeps shoehorning kids into places they don't belong, and the action is just flat-out boring. It all just looks so generic, none of the characters made any impression beyond dull stereotypes and the way in which this is just a glorified toy commercial also doesn't really help (the entire world is dedicated to these robot games? Please). I don't see this worth checking out the tiny bit of potential that it has.
Short Synopsis: Our lead character lives in a world where there are too many delinquents.
I have two main qualms about the current season, at first sight. First of all, it looks relatively bland for a Spring Season on average. The second is that two of the biggest talents in terms of direction are doing silly comedy canvas shoes anime shows. DD Hokuto no Ken is the first, which shows Akitaro Daichi, one of the most consistent comedy directors out there, doing a Hokuto no Ken parody. The result is undoubtedly really weird, and you can again see his influence. This episode had some good jokes in it, but I also think that it's nowhere near his best work. For the first time in a series directed by him, the jokes are hit and miss: some of them just try way too hard to be funny. But we'll see. There is some potential for a good parody of that series especially when it's done so well. Obviously you need to know some background on the series to fully enjoy it, but with that, I think that knowing the general premise of the series will suffice.

This thing… was actually much worse than expected. AIC, why? WHY? What made you go for such an incredibly stupid premise? Who… in their right mind… made the leader of the sole organization that is able to save the hand painted canvas shoes world… the male lead's sister? Yeah, this show has incest written all over it (screw it: if the opening scene shows the sister showing her panties, it's going to get to incest at some point). None of the characters are any good, the show is full of jokes that are 10 years old, and the rest of the humour also is just terrible. No potential whatsoever here.

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