Another decent episode this week, well done! I already started to worry about having to watch another recap episode or more Sharon-is-going-to-die-scenes. fairy tail shoes It's really nice to see things progressing so smoothly again.
So Mutta's afro has finally gone airborne, huh? Funny! It never seizes to amaze me how informative this show actually is. I never knew how hard it was to become an astronaut until I started watching this show. I'm not saying that this show is an accurate guideline, I couldn't possibly say that after some of the other crap they put in there (psychics, treacherous training tactics and a whole lot more). I'm just saying that it's been delightful to watch how Mutta changed his life from a big-shot car anime sneakers designer to an astronaut in training.
That being said; I worry for the future. I have said this back when Space Brothers had only just started, but are we seriously going to watch his training? Is it always going to be like this? I don't know how much longer this will remain interesting, but I don't just want to see them training. I want to see them perform missions in outer space as well.
So far it's been a steady combination of training, comedy, hand painted canvas shoes followed up by a thick layer of drama, followed by some more training. Sometimes they mix in a recap episode and start the whole process all over again. It's nice, but it gets really boring after a while.
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